Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Rubbery surprise

...I was just sorting out my work bag for tomorrow and felt something rubbery inside......
It was a couple of holey chard leaves I'd picked earlier! Better than the pair of rubber gloves I was imagining ( and thinking, do I have a pairing of rubber gloves?)
I had good intentions of making a healthy tea but instead we had potato wedges (home grown pots of course) with quorn sausages. Oh well, may be tomorrow!

I also learnt today that it's very hard to pick raspberries in the wind...the canes keep moving! But I did manage to work my way through the rows. The wind was really chilling though and I actually ended up with numb fingers before beating a hasty retreat home ( hence the need for wedges) 


  1. Not windy here which was lucky as I was planting a large bamboo in mu sisters garden

  2. Yes that was lucky! Would've been a tad difficult! I think we were getting wind from across the North Sea hence the chill. Warmed up a little bit now but quite damp and rainy.
