Monday, 7 March 2016

Harvest Monday

It's a quick one from me this week as I've got the lurgy....
The weather's been very interesting with continued rain plus a wintery return - snow! We got the first lot on Wednesday and woke up to a covering today, followed by a mixture of hail, sleet, more snow, bright sunshine and more rain at intervals throughout the was a surprise to see what would happen next (from my position on the sofa all day, tucked up under three blankets).
Snowy back garden on weds
Harvest-wise, you won't be surprised to hear that I've picked more corn salad from the plot and have been sprouting seeds on the kitchen windowsill plus growing more cress.
A nice lot of corn salad with homemade hummus. I was hoping the raw garlic in the hummus would help ward off the lurgy (and vampires). It worked on the vampires but not the lurgy.
And this nice curry Jan made with pumpkin from the freezer. She made the flat breads too, yummy, which have yogurt, coriander and cumin seeds in
My tomato and pepper seedlings are doing ok
Some have even started to get their first true leaves

I really want to get my onion sets in the ground but the soil is very wet at the moment. I also want to sow some parsnips and broad beans, plus continue weeding the fruit bushes. I've weeded the strawberries now and given them a sprinkling of chicken poo pellets for a leafy boost before the flowers come (though amazingly I did actually see a strawberry flower on one of the plants the other day, they must be very confused by the weather).


Ok, see you next time, thanks for reading. Linking in with Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres



  1. Oh, I hope you feel better soon, at least you're not missing out on some great spring weather... Lovely corn salad, it doesn't seem to be fazed by the nasty weather.

    1. Thanks Michelle, I'm feeling a lot better now. Yep the rain is constant today as's never ending!
      Yes that is a good thing about corn salad, great for autumn/winter/spring cropping.

  2. That curry looks tasty. Has Jan found a good recipe is it made up?

    1. Thanks sue, it was yummy. Jan usually likes to follow recipes but has been doing more Lou-style cooking recently. For curries we normally do something along the lines of...onion, garlic, curry powder (sometimes extra ginger and coriander), sometimes a chilli or chilli flakes, sometimes tomatoes, bit of coconut block, some kind of pulse (eg chickpea, red lentil or butter bean), and sometimes add a few leaves (chard or spinach) or cauli, and a bit of water. It depends what we've got in the cupboards or fridge really. So it's slightly different every time :D

  3. I've just started my toms and peppers, so nice to see yours way ahead of mine. And my that weather looks a lot like mine these days.

    Ooh "the lurgy" - my mom came over to Canada with her mom when she was 3 - so we know the good terms like pudding and cuppa and "bob's your uncle" and such but "lurgy" ... oof, get some sleep and some hot soup.

    1. Hi Susie, yeh we've got more rain today, I'm looking forward to a nice bit of weather! Good luck with your toms.

      Hehe, they're good words. Yeh I don't remember 'lurgy' from when I was younger, it's definitely crept in the last couple of decades (for me, anyway). I'm feeling a lot better today, thank goodness, I was getting a terrible headache reading or looking at screens, so no blog or book reading or watching crummy daytime TV even to pass the time. Lucky Jan's been around to look after me (and hopefully won't get ill herself)

  4. Every time I see your lovely corn salad I am reminded I never got around to sowing any this winter. I need to make a note to myself to do it this year! We often joke there are no vampires within miles of our place because of all the raw garlic we eat. We had garlic toast tonight with our bean salad. Some of that hummus would have been nice too!

    1. Mmm garlic toast sounds good Dave. Homemade hummus is much nicer than most of the shop-bought ones (we actually haven't bought any for years). Your meals always sound good!

  5. Hope you feel better soon. Tucked up on the sofa under 3 blankets is the best place to be right now - it's certainly not good gardening weather!

    1. Thanks Mark, I'm feeling loads better today, phew. We really could do with a break in the weather just to dry the soil off a bit. Maybe by the weekend it'll have improved. Looking at birds in the garden it's pretty amazing how they can carry on in all weather.

  6. Yikes - that weather looks nasty. As Mark said, sounds like you made the most of it. I think that would be a good spot to be even if you weren't sick! All my peppers are up too - so exciting! No true leaves yet, though. And I'm glad that you are feeling better :)
