Monday, 23 February 2015

Harvest Monday - it's all green

It's been another mixed week for weather, sunny one day then pouring rain the next (or sometimes both in one day). Saturday was really lovely but I couldn't get to the plot until Sunday, when of course it turned cold, windy and rainy but yippee I got a few hours in before it got too bad.

I've mainly been carrying on weeding under my fruit bushes (the couch grass gets in and around them every year) then adding compost on top, and in some cases adding a thick layer of old bramble prunings too as mulch, which I'm experimenting with to see if it'll keep down the couch grass. I also added some chicken-poo pellets and compost to one of the areas I'll plant out onion sets next month.

My robins and black bird friends came to say hello again, which was nice.

I picked some green things this week:

More corn salad

Curly kale, Nero kale, my first and last sprouts, and some tiny broccoli. There's still a few sprouts but they're tiny too so I'll leave them to 'blow' and grow into tasty spring greens

And finally, some seed excitement, I peered through the bubble wrap last night and spotted a little seed had germinated and by this morning a few more...Come on tomatoes!


I think that must be fastest tom germination for me, just one week! The intermittent sunny weather must have helped. I also tried to be good and brought the compost inside first for one night to warm up, plus used room temperature water. Must've done something right anyway.

Linking in with Harvest Monday on Daphne's Dandelions



  1. Lovely tasty greens. Yay for tomatoes!

  2. The first peep of tomatoes - always a great moment!!

  3. That bread with the corn salad - looks delish! And ditto everyone else on the tomatoes...still a long way to go before ours get started in mid-April.

    1. The bread is really yummy Margaret - a sourdough from 'Norwich Providore' on the Norwich Market. I stock up on a couple of loaves at the weekend. It would be nice to try making my own sourdough one day.
      Mid April will be here before you know it!

  4. Gorgeous greens!

  5. Wonderful greens. So sad about the last sprouts though. I hope you really enjoyed eating them.

    1. Thanks Daphne, the sprouts had a really good flavour so I was quite pleased :)

  6. Replies
    1. At this time of year, green is a great colour sue :)

  7. I'm not sowing my tomatoes just yet. I know how difficult it is to keep them from going leggy if you sow too early. End of March for me!

    1. Yes it's a good point Mark, they can get leggy. If they do get leggy (which they probably will) I'll plant them deep when I pot them on. I think as well if they're going to be planted outside eventually it's better to wait a while too (not sure what you do with yours), mine will go into the lean-to greenhouse attached to my house.
      I've read too that once toms have germinated you can move them somewhere cooler to prevent legginess but I think my lean-to is too cold for a while.

  8. I agree with Sue - Green is good.
    I haven't started anything in relation to the garden yet, I am bunged down with a chest infection so have been off work the past couple of days. I harvested some curly kale from the garden at the weekend, and noted some PSB coming through, but lazily did not get a picture of them. Hopefully I will come this weekend.
    Ah you reminded me of my last tub of raspberries in the freezer, hope to get them out at the weekend.

  9. Oh dear, sorry to hear you're unwell Shaheen, there's a lot of it about. It's still early days for sowing seeds, there's plenty of time.
    Great to get some curly kale! My PSB is quite a way off, no sign of any heads yet.
    Mmm, yep I still have some raspberries too and some blackberries and red currants. I've run out of strawbs, gooseberries and black currants though.
