Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Today's harvest, very berry

We have a food swap at work tomorrow so I've had a berry- picking session. This is the second annual swap though I didn't know about the one last year. Anyway, you take along excess produce, get tokens for them and then get to choose from what other people have brought. Exciting!

I hope there is some interesting stuff!


  1. That sounds like a fun idea. I'm guessing from that many of your colleagues are grow your owners.

  2. Yes, it was good thanks Sue, it was organised by the Love Food, Hate Waste people. I got some eggs, a lettuce and some leaf beet. There were some other goodies like cukes, beans and chard (and lots of courgettes!) but I didn't redeem all my vouchers as didn't want to take stuff I already had enough of. My fruit was popular, I split it into smaller portions :)

    We suggested they might want to do another one in late Sept for the autumn harvests too.
